
William J. Hocking-Post 91-Wharton-NJ


Renew online at https://www.legion.org/members


Contact Post 91 Membership Chairman at whartonlegion91@gmail.com


We miss you and look forward to your continued membership


For God and Country

Commander John Ruppell


Please contact the Post Membership Chairman, Frank Dulfer, with your questions about:

New Membership

Transferring Your Membership

Paid Up for Life


Correction of Information

Address Changes


Your best first step is to contact the Membership Chairman.

whartonlegion91join@gmail.com or whartonlegion91@gmail.com

Contact Sheet/Membership Data Sheet

The Membership Board in the Post Bar - instructions and forms are provided in each of the larger boxes.

Also the box below the board is the lockbox for applications and dues.

2022 Membership Target Dates

TBD For OTP - TBD For 100% 

1st Target 50% in Trenton By September   
2nd Target 55% in Trenton By October   
3rd Target 65% in Trenton By November   
4th Target 75% in Trenton By December   
5th Target 80% in Trenton By January   
6th Target 85% in Trenton By February   
7th Target 90% in Trenton By March   
8th Target 95% in Trenton By April   
9th Target 100% in Trenton By May   

William J Hocking Post 91 Final Membership Numbers for 2021.

We were not able to hit 100% nor Over the Top for 2021.

Although we added new members unfortunately we were not able to overcome the number of members who entered Post Everlasting and the number who simply did not respond to our outreach to renew their membership.

Final Membership Number - TBD

Number Needed for Over the Top - 308

Final Percentage - TBD%


William J Hocking Post 91 is OVER THE TOP FOR 2019!

This is 2 years in a row - thank you MEMBERS for your loyalty to the American Legion and the Post!



You are reminded of the following from the National By-Laws; Article IV, Section 4. A MEMBER whose dues for the current year have not been paid by
AFTER JANUARY 1st - shall be classed as delinquent. If his/her dues are paid on or before February First (1st) he/she shall be automatically reinstated.
AFTER FEBRUARY 1st - If he/she is still delinquent after February First (1st), he/she shall be suspended from all post privileges.
ON JUNE 30th - If he/she is still under such suspension on June Thirtieth (30th) of such year their membership in the American Legion shall be forfeited.